The liver and how to take care of it

Leafy green vegetables and herbs

Each organ has it’s own unique vibration and that of the liver is deep, rich, vibrant and expansive. When it is in good health, its energy radiates into every part of your body but if it is sluggish the whole body begins to suffer, not only physically but also emotionally, as the liver quite literally spills over.

This is because the liver looks after so many aspects of your health including detoxification, energy production, hormone balance, emotional balance, immune function and eyesight. It carries out over 2,000 chemical functions, and so, it is no wonder it can need a little support to maintain its balance.

When the liver is imbalanced, you may experience symptoms such as aches and pains, headaches, irritability, hormonal imbalance, skin outbreaks, weight gain, digestive issues such as constipation, dull and lifeless hair, eye floaters and more. 

Truly, if there one part of your well-being that you could focus that would help with all the others, it would be the liver.


1. Lower your fats. However much fat you are eating now, try to reduce it by 25%. Reducing or eliminating fats in the morning can be a good place to start, as this is when your liver is still flushing through waste it has gathered overnight.

2. Reduce or eliminate foods that are hard on the liver such as eggs, dairy, vinegar, too much salt and pork.

3. Bring in more leafy greens. Spinach, rocket, kale, watercress, pok choi, mustard leaves, whatever you like! Leafy greens create true alkalinity in the body and clear out the entire digestive tract of unproductive bacteria and toxic waste. They are also packed with essential mineral salts and highly bio-available proteins.

4. Apples. They provide a specific kind of hydration, a kind of living water, to the liver. Your liver needs certain kinds of hydration that can only come from fruit, and apples are really important for this. 

5. Asparagus. Soothes the liver and contains a flavonoid that helps purge the liver and strengthens the liver’s immune system.

6. Bananas. They provide a type of glucose for the liver that’s incredible, and they are antiviral, anti-yeast, antibacterial, and antifungal. 

7. Broccoli. Contains sulphur compounds that that help clear unproductive bacteria such as streptococcus that gets into the liver and lymphatic system causing issues such as acne.

8. Brussels sprouts. Contain the same powerful sulphur compounds as broccoli. 

9. Celery. Strips the membranes off viruses so they die and can be flushed out of the body. Celery also restores digestion by restoring the liver’s bile production and hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as purging the liver of toxins and helping to dissolve gallstones.

10. Atlantic dulse and kelp. The liver loves these mineral rich sea vegetables.





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