Food confusions and myths – part 2

Leafy green salad with tomatoes and cucumber

In part 1 of food confusions and myths, I wrote about nightshades, dark chocolate and high protein foods. Now we move onto look at eggs, vinegars and corn, three of the most widely used foods today. But it's important to know how these foods work in the body, so that you can decide for yourself whether these foods are a healthy choice, or not!


Perhaps eggs once were a nutritious staple but sadly this is no longer the case. In fact, they are a disaster if you are trying to heal your health. Why? Because eggs are a food for pathogens such as viruses and bacteria that inhabit the body, and most of the health conditions we see today, are caused by viruses and bacteria, along with exposure to toxins. By feeding pathogens the food they love, they can replicate and grow and your symptoms such as IBS, constipation, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, acne, eczema, weight gain and more can worsen without you understanding why.

And the reason why eggs have become a food for pathogens is because medical researchers started to use them to feed the viruses and bacteria they were testing in their labs. Researchers found that by using eggs, the pathogens could replicate quickly due to their high content of protein, enzymes and natural hormones. So, this was good for testing purposes but it turns out, it has been a disaster for our health!



Vinegars, such as apple cider vinegar, are often considered a healthy food but we need to be a little bit careful with this assumption, as all vinegars are in fact extremely dehydrating and have the capacity to drive toxins further into the organs and cells. This is especially problematic when healing, as it doesn’t allow for toxins to be flushed out.

Toxins, which we are all contending with on some level, require a lot of water to flush them out of the bloodstream. But when we consume vinegar, it separates the toxins in our blood from the water that holds onto them, allowing the toxins to bury into the organs, glands and connective tissue. This means you end up keeping poisons in the body rather than getting rid of them, the very opposite of what needs to take place!



Just like soy, this once nutritious staple has been destroyed by the technology of genetically modified organisms (GMO). Corn and corn products contribute towards inflammation in the body and it’s a food that can feed viruses, bacteria, mould and fungus. Even where corn is stated to be non GMO, this food product has been meddled with to the extent that all corn products can trigger a health condition or worsen existing symptoms.

It is also important to look out for corn as a hidden ingredient in products such as gluten free foods, crisps, crackers, high fructose - corn syrup and even herbal tinctures, where corn based alcohol is used.

If you really love corn, I suggest having it fresh, as in corn on the cob, as a treat in the summer months. Just make sure your supplier is organic and non GMO.

These are just some of the food myths and confusions that the average person has no idea about. And when you’re trying to heal symptoms or overcome illness, navigating the truths from non-truths becomes a nightmarish and confusing task. My aim is to help you navigate the right information so that you can experience for yourself what it means to heal, in a way that is safe, effective and deeply nourishing.



The liver and how to take care of it


Food confusions and myths – let’s get some facts straight