Nestled into the Dorset countryside, this 3-day immersive retreat is designed to offer you a deep dive into safe and effective cleansing in daily life, from both an experiential and theoretical perspective, as well as an experience of what it means to deeply nourish body, mind and soul through food and healing.

In a world that is heavily polluted, where many people are struggling to overcome symptoms they do not understand, and more often than not, feel utterly confused about what and how to eat, there is such a strong need for simplicity and the return of a deeper wisdom around food that has been lost in modern times.

Through this retreat, Rebecca will be sharing her knowledge around different approaches to health and healing, including the art of cleansing and nourishing in daily life, the five elements of Eastern medicine, ancient naturopathic approaches to healing, and how to put it all into practice in daily life.


  • Struggle to overcome symptoms no matter how hard you try?

  • Feel confused about what to eat?

  • Find it difficult to create consistency with food and eating habits?  

  • Feel as though you have tried everything and nothing works?

  • Long to feel free in your body?

  • Long to have more control over how and what you eat?

  • Feel sluggish or stuck physically, mentally or emotionally?

  • Know deep inside that food carries a deep wisdom all of its own that you don’t yet know how to tap into?


  • Symptoms disappear

  • Lighter, clearer and calmer in your body, mind and soul

  • Empowered around what and how to eat  

  • Confident about how to turn your health around

  • Reinspired by simple recipes and powerful protocols

  • Reconnected to your body and the wisdom of food  

All of this is possible once you know how. In order to heal, you need to be able to see what you cannot yet see.


Set around a wild flower garden, you will be staying in one of Wraxall Yard’s beautiful cottages and can choose to share a twin room or have a room all to yourself. Each of the cottages has a cosy indoor sitting area and shared outdoor spaces to relax and soak up the countryside.

The cottages also have well equipped kitchens, although you won’t have to cook a thing, as all of the delicious meals and snacks will be prepared for you and provided in Wraxall’s gorgeous community space.


Working with Rebecca was just what I needed to dig deep into some underlying health conditions I had been unable to get to the bottom of. Her wisdom and knowledge of viral conditions and toxicity was invaluable in helping to both shape the detox container and go deep into my liver to find the root cause of my issues. Rebecca held a beautiful and strong supportive space to assist me in this work. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to achieve holistic results with their health, especially if you have conditions that others have been unable to diagnose.

Davyd Farrell

At first, I was a bit dubious about the celery juice, I thought I would need to pinch my nose as I drank it, but to my surprise it was fresh and tasty, and now part of my daily morning routine. Not only do I enjoy the taste but early on in the cleanse, I experienced how potent it really is, as it ignited my menstrual cycle after one and half year of no cycle! I found the morning cleanse so powerful and such a beautiful way to set your body up for the rest of the day. This whole process is a beautiful cleanse on really discovering your body, emotions and simple foods.

Andrea Creary

Not sure whether this is for you? Contact me to find out more.

Rebecca Portugal
Rebecca Red dress





Thursday 20th: Welcome dinner feast & opening circle (arrival from 5pm, dinner at 7pm)

Friday 21st: Cleanse day; the art of cleansing in daily life, resting the body with juices, smoothies and soups

Saturday 22nd: Nourish day; the art of nourishing body, mind & soul with beautifully crafted plant based foods

Sunday 23rd: Breakfast feast / brunch, closing talk & circle

  • Daily movement & meditation sessions

  • Daily talks / workshops

  • Medicine making workshop (syrups, teas & tinctures)

  • Group healing around the fire

  • Walks & foraging

  • Downtime, peace & quiet

Get ready to be cleansed and nourished from the inside out!


Spring and autumn are the perfect time for cleansing. As nature shifts her seasons, the body shifts too, ready to let go of the summer and winter accumulations.

During the winter months, our energy turns inwards and downwards giving us an opportunity for inner work and creativity to be birthed into the world in the springtime. There is also the tendency to eat richer and denser foods, and to move the body less. As we approach spring and the energy starts to move, it’s important to work with nature and the body to support a natural rebirthing process and this is where cleansing really comes into its own, helping to release any denseness or excess, and supporting the natural flow of life that is moving at this time.

Coming together to cleanse in a group is a POWERFUL process, much more so than doing it alone! There is a collective purging that takes place on a very deep level, while motivation is kept high by the energy of the group. The invitation here is to immerse yourself in the process, allowing the body to release what no longer serves, whilst also creating clear intention for the months ahead.

fig apple salad

Register your interest.

If you’re interested in attending the Cleanse & Nourish Retreat and would like to be kept updated and reminded nearer the time, please send me your name and email address here.