The true cause of migraines and how you can heal
Migraines are complex and for the most part they are poorly understood. Why? Because often it is not just one thing that triggers the migraine, it’s a combination or cluster of issues that varies for each person, making the diagnoses more difficult. Each person’s migraine is likely to be a combination of two, three, four or sometimes more triggers, which operate together. In this respect, careful detective work is required to figure out which triggers are playing out and how you can work to resolve those triggers.
Outlined here are a summary of some of the major causes and triggers for migraines, as outlined by Anthony William, in his recently re-edited, re-published book - ‘Medical Medium, secrets behind chronic & mystery illness and to finally heal’, as well as some key steps on how you can move forward and heal.
Up to 95% of the population carry one of the 60 different strains of the Epstein Barr Virus and often unknowingly, until they get sick and have no answers. But due to the explosion of chronic and mystery conditions that we’re seeing today, EBV is now being taken more seriously as underlying culprit, which is progression!
The issue here is that low-grade, unidentified EBV, continually inflames the central nervous system, including the brain. If EBV or its neurotoxins, the poisonous waste produced by viruses, gets into or onto the vagus nerve, the inflamed nerve can be a migraine trigger.
Shingles is another one of the herpetic viruses that that many of us carry without even knowing it, until it strikes. Like EBV, shingles can inflame the nerves, in this case the trigeminal or phrenic nerves, which in turn can trigger a migraine. Herpes simplex-1, the common cold sore virus can also nest within the trigeminal and/or phrenic nerves creating enough inflammation to be a trigger. For some people, learning how to cleanse and knock back viral load through food, herbs and supplements can be all that’s needed.
These migraines stem from chronic streptococcal infections in the linings of the sinus cavity. Strep can be pervasive throughout the body, in the sinuses, lungs and gut, for example, and is also stubborn when it comes to getting rid of it! But with enough clearing out and the right approach, it can and does move!
There are very few people in today’s world who don’t have an overburdened gut! Stagnant livers are a sign of our times due to high fat/high protein diets and the overwhelming exposure to pathogens and toxins.
When the gut is overburdened, it produces ammonia gas that can move from the gut to the vagus, phrenic and or trigeminal nerves, or it can cross the blood brain barrier and find its way into the central nervous system. The gas deprives the brain of some of its needed oxygen causing tension to arise and a migraine can be triggered.
Electrolytes are required to maintain neurotransmitters, strengthen neurons and send the electrical impulses that run your body and brain. When you run low on electrolytes, it can disrupt the activity of the brain, which puts pressure on the central nervous system and triggers a migraine.
This is especially the case when you are dealing with toxic heavy metals inside the brain or with background EBV. The biggest cause of electrolyte deficiency is chronic dehydration, often caused by caffeine foods and drinks (coffee, chocolate, matcha, black tea). In order to replenish electrolytes fresh juices such as cucumber-apple juice, celery juice, clean filtered water and coconut water are ideal.
Stress creates huge surges of adrenaline that cause us to be charged up and then fall down. This pattern is a disaster for someone who is very sensitive, especially where there is underlying viral load, as the adrenaline can create a hypertensive reaction that can tighten the trigeminal nerves resulting in a migraine.
Such a large proportion of migraine sufferers are women and that’s because once a month with menstruation, 80% of the immune system’s attention is diverted to the reproductive system. This is problematic if your body is also coping with other issues such as stress, heavy metals, viral load, strep bacteria or dehydration because as soon as your immune system is focused elsewhere, these issues raise their head and a migraine can be triggered.
Ultimately, the migraine shows you just how much your body is dealing with day to day and just how hard your immune system is working or you! The trick is to turn your attention to the underlying factors at play.
If you’re not getting enough good sleep and dealing with underlying issues then that lack of sleep can be a trigger.
Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, copper, lead etc settle into the brain and other organs such as the liver and affect their ability to function properly. Electrical impulses in the brain can then get disrupted with severe consequences including, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, migraines and other conditions.
In some cases, continual detoxing, as well as avoiding new toxins and triggers can be enough to halt migraines.
Dairy (overburdens the liver and feeds pathogens)
Eggs (feeds all pathogens, which in turn inflame the nerves)
Gluten (feeds pathogens)
Meat (hard to break down with an overburdened and/or weakened digestive system, resulting in food rot and ammonia gas that minimises oxygen in the brain)
Fermented foods (pickles, vinegars, sauerkraut etc) (make the digestive tract more acidic, which triggers the migraine)
Salt (dehydrates in excess)
Oils (canola, corn, cottonseed, palm oil) (these oils burden the liver and canola and corn feed pathogens)
Additives (MSG, aspartame) (Neurotoxic migraine triggers)
Alcohol (dehydrating and hard on the liver)
Caffeine (coffee, chocolate, matcha, cocao) overstimulate and highly aggressive to the central nervous system, act as a neurotoxin that can trigger migraines)
Your body produces histamine in response to an allergic type reaction in order to protect you. When you are suffering with underlying viral load, this alone can produce histamine and make you more intolerant and allergic. Being the detective is essential - is there anything you are eating, drinking touching or being exposed to that could be acting as a trigger?
The first step is to identify your main triggers through careful detective work and then work deeply to remove those triggers from your life. What two, three, four or more triggers from the list above could you be experiencing? Do you understand the prolific impact of viruses and toxins in your body that you may be carrying, unknowingly? How clean is your home? How clean is your workspace and immediate environment?
In the context of a lifestyle that is established around cleansing and nourishing, along with periodic or successive deep cleanses, specific foods will help you to heal by killing off pathogens, flushing toxins, bolstering brain tissue, improving digestion, soothing nerves, providing nutrients and relaxing muscles. This is a case of how and what you eat seriously matters.
Celery juice, coriander, heavy metal detox smoothie, potatoes, bananas, asparagus, oranges, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, papayas, chilli peppers, garlic, ginger, kale, cinnamon, apples, hemp seeds (in small amounts).
Keep your fats low!
28-day Medical Medium Cleanse (from ‘‘secrets behind chronic & mystery illness and how to finally heal’’)
3,6,9 cleanses (from ‘‘Cleanse to heal’’ book)
You can and you will heal! With the right information and acknowledgement that you’re not crazy, healing is within your hands. Keep a light heart and just keep going!