Do you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn?
Acid reflux is such a common condition suffered by millions of people throughout the world. But what never ceases to amaze me, is just how poorly understood this condition really is. And while the antacid industry continues to rake in millions, providing nothing more than a band aid solution, the root cause of the issue remains all but a mystery to mainstream healthcare.
But there are answers and once you’ve read this article, you will fully understand how and why the condition arises and what you can do about it.
Acid reflux is essentially a rising of acid from the stomach towards the throat, which can lead to feelings of heartburn, although it doesn’t always, and which can also lead to damage in the throat, otherwise know a Barrett’s esophogus, if it is allowed to persist.
However, the question is, what kind of acid is being produced? From a traditional medical perspective, it is thought to be stomach acid but if we dig a little deeper, this evidence is inconclusive. So what else could it be?
The work of Anthony William has really helped to illuminate the cause and suggests that the acid produced is not our own stomach acid, but instead the acid produced by unproductive bacteria that sit in the lower pouch of the stomach and upper part of the small intestine. If we look closely at how and why this happens, this suggestion makes absolute sense.
This condition begins with a weakened and over-burdened liver, which almost every single person in the modern world is experiencing to a lesser or greater extents. Viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, everyday toxins, too many fats and poor food choices all contribute.
When the liver is overburdened, it cannot produce strong bile, which is needed for the breakdown of fats and healthy digestion. And when bile levels weaken, our stomach acid, hydrochloric acid (HCL), has to step in. HCL is also required for healthy digestion, especially for the breakdown of protein and the killing of bugs as they enter the body.
With lowered bile and HCL, we have compromised digestion, with the incomplete breakdown of fats and proteins, and the easy passage of bacteria into the gut. The nutrients of this partially broken food are not entirely accessible to the cells of our gut and the food sits there and rots. Now bacteria, new and old. have a feast as they feed on the putrefying food, and as they do, they produce acid, which causes the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.
The medical solution for this is are medications that stop acid production altogether but this is a big problem because it only serves to weaken the body’s capacity to produce good acid, HCL, the very acid you need for strong digestion! In other words, the medications are going after the wrong cause, hence they never solve the issue!
There are three key aspects to focus on when it comes to healing this condition:
Build up and strengthen HCL in the stomach
Kill off the unproductive bacteria that have been given the chance to flourish, including Streptococcus, E. coli and H. Pylori
Unburden the liver, so you can produce strong bile and therefore take the pressure off HCL
1. Eliminate troublemaker foods that feed the unproductive bacteria - gluten, dairy, eggs
2. Minimise animal protein and fats while you are healing. Animal proteins are not only high in protein but also high in fat, which will burden an already overburdened liver. It doesn’t mean you have to eliminate animal protein altogether, but limit to once per day or better still, every second day.
3. 400ml Celery Juice daily – celery juice restores the glands in the stomach that produce HCL. It also kills off unproductive bacteria and flushes the liver.
4. Fill up with healthy carbohydrates – fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes and squashes. Fruit is a weapon for killing harmful bacteria, and all of these healthy carbohydrates are easy to digest, which reduces potential for food rot.
5. Herbal teas – thyme, peppermint, elderflower, lemon balm - are all highly ant-bacterial.
No matter what you have going on in the gut, the issues are almost always the same - a weakened liver, too many bugs and too many toxins, low bile and HCL, and weakened digestion. Follow the steps above and you have yourself a very strong step by step solution!