Spiced pumpkin tarts recipe

I’ve been making these pumpkin pie tarts for years and they just never fail to satisfy. The warm pumpkin filling is slightly sweet, salty and spiced, and it works a dream against the hazelnut crust. This recipe was inspired by Sarah Britton, My New Roots, who always has such wonderful recipes. The beauty of using pumpkins and squash in this way is that their creamy and comforting qualities satisfy the sweet tooth, whilst also deeply nourishing the body. This vegetable helps to reduce inflammation and is an excellent remedy for acidosis and conditions of the stomach, spleen, liver and blood. In Chinese medicine it would be considered a food of the Earth element, aimed at nurturing, warming and grounding.


Spiced pumpkin tarts recipe



2 cups pumpkin pure

2 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp ground nutmeg

¼ tsp ground cloves

1 tsp ground ginger

½ cup coconut sugar 

¼ cup maple syrup

½ vanilla bean scraped 

1 Tbsp arrowroot powder 

¼ tsp sea salt


2 cups (175g) gluten free rolled oats

1½ cups (200g) hazelnuts

1 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp sea salt

¼ cup maple syrup 

2 tbsp coconut oil, melted


To make the pumpkin puree, simply peel one small pumpkin, remove the seeds, chop into pieces and place in the steamer. Once soft, set aside.

Place all the ingredients for the filling in a food processor and blend until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 160°c. Roast the hazelnuts until brown and fragrant, set aside to cool. Once cool, rub them between a tea towel to remove the skins.

In a food processor, pulse the hazelnuts to a semi-fine texture, keeping a few aside for garnish. Set aside.

Place the oats in the food processor and blend to a rough flour.  Add all the other ingredients, including the hazelnuts and pulse until the dough comes together. It should be sticky and slightly rough but hold together.

Divide the dough into 12 golf ball-sized amounts and in a lightly greased muffin tray, press each ball down firmly into the mould, including up the sides. Fill each one with pumpkin pie filling and bake for 30 minutes at 180°c.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before removing from the trays, otherwise they will fall apart!

Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts and a little flaky sea salt and serve with a dollop of coconut yoghurt.




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