Prioritising Your Health This January

Brain Shots


The brain shot therapies from Medical Medium’s new Brain Saver Books are an incredible tool for practically every circumstance. The brain shots consist of juiced fruits, herbs, vegetables and greens that fall into three separate categories: Exposure shots, Shifter shots and Stabilizer shots.

For example, try shifting stagnant energy and emotions by bringing in the following Shifter shots:

  • Mood shifter

  • Nerve shifter

  • Energy shifter

  • Anger shifter

  • Gulit and shame shifter

Or try grounding the body and stabilizing emotions with the following Stabilizer shots:    

  • Trauma, shock and loss stabilizer

  • Adrenal flight or fight stabilizer

  • Burnout stabilizer

  • Betrayal and broken trust stabilizer

  • Relationship breakup stabilizer

  • Finding your purpose stabilizer

For those of you don’t have the new Brain Saver books (which I highly recommend), you can find some of the recipes here on Medical Medium’s website.



Shock therapies involve taking herbs or supplements at very regular intervals for short periods of time. For example, I have spoken before about zinc and vitamin C shock therapy, which you can bring in if you feel you’re coming down with a bug, or if you’re already sick with bug. Similarly, other herbs and supplements can be used in the same way, for example, lemon balm, B12, goldenseal, thyme tea, propolis, aloe vera and California poppy.

At this time of the year when emotional blues or physical symptoms can easily take hold, two of my favourite shock therapies are B12 and lemon balm.

B12 in the right form (I recommend Vimergy) is an essential daily supplement and can be used as a shock therapy for any kind of stress, emotional or physical, such as loss, anxiety, bouts of depression, anger, seizures, post fever, body pain, and many more. When we go through difficult physical, mental or emotional events, including long-term chronic illness, we lose B12 reserves, which are critical to our health and mood. B12 is basically the glue that holds our health together, and it really lifts the spirits.

Lemon balm shock therapy is also great to ease anxiety and calm the nervous system, as one of lemon balms main jobs is to stabilise nerve cells. This herb is also amazing for nerve pain, body pain and inflammation, as well as outbreaks of shingles or post shingles.

You can read more about all the shock therapies in Medical Medium’s Brain Saver Protocols Recipes and Cleanses book.


Hydration so often gets overlooked as being somehow unimportant or less important than other actions we might take.  But actually it is KEY!  

Hydration can be the difference between feeling symptoms and not feeling them, for example brain fog, anxiety, headaches, constipation, heart issues and many more. Over the holidays it’s common to indulge in more salty, cooked and rich foods, as well warming liquids (even herbal teas), which can leave the body thirsty. Just because you’re eating healing cooked foods like potatoes and steamed vegetables doesn’t mean you’re protected from dehydration. Cooked foods, no matter how healing, are by nature more dehydrating.

By adding in fluids such lemon water, green juices, cucumber and celery juice, coconut water, blended or juiced melon, and raw fruits and vegetables you can easily increase hydration, and as a rule of thumb, it’s good to get into the habit of monitoring your daily intake of living water (by adding cucumber slices or squeezed lemon you make your water living), as well as your salt intake.  If you’re a salt lover, it suggests a depletion of minerals in the body, and the way to heal this is NOT to eat more sea salt, no matter how great the quality, but to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially celery, cucumber and leafy greens, which are rich in natural mineral salts.



This is a great month to really simplify your meals and food. Try eating very simply, for example, a bowl of steamed potatoes with garlic, herbs and steamed greens, or simple soups with one or two ingredients like apples and squash. Snacking on just one fruit can also help to ease digestion. The more you simplify, the more you give your digestive system a rest. This is one of the reasons why mono cleansing can be so helpful. This doesn’t mean you restrict calories or eat less nutrient, instead the goal is to maintain healthy portions but with fewer foods. This also also helps to calm the mind. When you opt for simpler foods, you ease the stress of the mind.


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